Hi, welcome to Mike Percy Photography. I am new here to Medium and just thought I'd post a quick entry to see what it's capable of and tell visitors to this site a little bit about me.
I’m an amateur photographer based in England, UK with a passion for landscape, wildlife, architecture and sports photography. I took photography in college many years ago when there was no such thing as a digital camera and you had to get your photos developed in a red room.
I did it as part of a General Art & Design course that included elements of fine art, graphic design and photography.
Web Design
When the web first started to break through in the early nineties I was none the wiser but as it became more popular around 1998 I decided to explore it a bit and that would eventually lead me to take up web design in the very early 2000s, once I had matured a little and understood it a bit better.
So, my career throughout the 2000s, 2010s and 2020s has been pretty heavily dominated by web design, SEO, e-commerce development and online marketing as a day job.
Photography has always been a part of what I do in my work but mainly only for social media and product shots. One thing I've always known I'd do at some point when time and budget allowed is buy a DSLR camera and start practising my art.
That time is now. 2022 is where I began with my purchase of a Canon EOS 1100D and a 55mm to 250mm Canon lens. This is very, very basic kit in the DSLR world of 2022, the camera itself hailing from back in 2014. However, as a starter piece of kit that's easy to justify the cost of, it was a no-brainer.
12MP photos are what it's capable of and with a bit of seasoning in Affinity Photo, I'm comfortable that I can output some presentable work whilst I relearn my craft.
Fast forward several years and I’ve taken up the hobby again to relearn everything and restart my photographic journey. I do it for fun mainly but I also use my skills in my day job, so it’s more part of a process than a random interest.
Looking forward to seeing where it takes me and what LiveJournal can do for my output when I share content here.
In addition to photography, I also do a bit of woodworking. I find working with wood very therapeutic and rewarding.
A blue epoxy resin and olive wood worktop saver I made.
I do this through my Bell Carve brand, a handmade wood shop based in England, UK with a website for crafted products and a social media presence for people to follow and keep up with what I'm doing there.
It's a fairly expensive hobby, much like photography but I'm hoping it pays for itself by selling some of the creations I make, from solid oak chopping boards to garden planters and even hardwood cabinets.
Geometric art
Geometric art I made.
I'm also fairly keen on producing abstract and geometric artworks and am working on a brand for displaying those items too, so 2022 is shaping up to be a pretty busy year.
Of course, all of these things run secondary to paying the bills and keeping my kids active in their pursuits, so I'm doing this and that whenever the mood takes me and time allows, for now.
All the best!